Plans including drug coverage starts at $37.39/month.*
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Did you know?

Self-employed individuals can report health plans premiums as a Business Expense for Income Tax purposes.  Ask your accountant!

Why prescription drug coverage is important

Having access to prescription drugs is essential. Whether you have a seasonal illness or a chronic condition, it’s smart to have access to prescription drug coverage for yourself and your family.  Don’t wait until it’s too late!  

Did you know...?
The average Canadian spends roughly $839/year on prescription drugs. Without group insurance or private health insurance, you could be on the hook for expensive medical bills. Unforeseen medical issues can happen at a moment’s notice, and considering that provincial plans does not pay for prescription drugs for individuals under the age of 65, it’s vital that you have insurance to fall back on.

We have lots of choice options. Mix & match coverage!

about blue cross™ prescription drug INSURANCE

Our prescription drug coverage makes prescription drugs more affordable and provides individual health insurance to supplement provincial government health insurance plans. Maybe you don’t have group health insurance with your current employer, or maybe you’re self-employed, retired or between jobs. Regardless of your situation, we have a health insurance plan that will meet your health care needs.

With plans that include drug coverage starting at only $37.39/month, we offer a variety of prescription drug coverage options for you and your family. None of our plans have deductibles.

Our basic plan covers a minimum of 70% up to 80% of the cost of prescriptions, with no maximums on prescription drugs. Including lots of Health Benefits and Travel Insurance.

get a blue cross™ health coverage today!

* Note: This is an overview of plans.  Refer to policy for more details.

Make your health a priority, get started now.